History of the Girifalco Fortress: from Medici to our days through the period of Pietro Leopoldo’s reforms

The ebook

This publication aims to provide elements concerning the history and evolution of the Fortress of Girifalco, from the deep structural changes made in 1500 under Cosimo I de 'Medici to the present day through a period of major reforms made by Pietro Leopoldo in 1700 and it has been realized with support of Tuscany Regional council within Festa della Toscana 2016.

The document consists of four parts:


Texts and graphic material provided by the architect Aura Gnerucci, Maria Teresa Idone, Dania March, based on an elaboration of the laboratory results of interdisciplinary thesis on the subject of the Girifalco fortress, held at the Faculty of Architecture of Florence, coordinated by Profs. Giacomo Pirazzoli, Amedeo Belluzzi, Peter Matracchi.


Texts and images taken from the chapter "Francesco Laparelli architect from Cortona in Malta" (curated by architects Aura Gnerucci, Maria Teresa Idone, Dania March), from the catalog of the exhibition held at Palazzo Casali in Cortona in 2009, organized by the Academy Etruscan, from town of Cortona and the MAEC, published by Edizioni Tiphys.


Chapter about Pietro Leopoldo, who provides a brief overview of the reforms carried out by this ‘enlightened ruler' 700 and the implications that this had for Cortona, the Chiana Valley and the Fortezza (produced by the Cultural ONTHEMOVE through a document summary and networked selected materials).


Summary of design documentation for the recovery and development of the Fortress of Girifalco developed in 2015 and in 2016 by the Cultural Association ONTHEMOVE.

I Coordinatori del progetto

Il progetto dell’e-book è stato curato dall’Associazione Culturale ONTHEMOVE, nata nel 2010 con lo scopo di promuovere la conoscenza delle arti visive e di tutte le forme espressive, con particolare riferimento a fotografia e nuovi media. Principale attività dell’Associazione è il Festival Internazionale di Fotografia ‘Cortona On The Move’ che nel 2017 raggiungerà la 7a edizione.

ONTHEMOVE si distingue fin dall’esordio delle proprie attività per una particolare attenzione alla valorizzazione e riqualifica in modo innovativo ed originale di monumenti storici ed edifici dismessi. Le mostre di Cortona On The Move si caratterizzano infatti per essere allestite in particolari location quasi ‘dimenticate’ e il festival ha permesso di rendere nuovamente fruibili ambienti suggestivi e gioielli architettonici della cittadina toscana di Cortona, chiusi al pubblico da decenni.

L’Associazione, dalla primavera 2015, gestisce la Fortezza sulla base di una Convenzione con il Comune di Cortona il cui scopo principale è quello di favorire una progettazione mirante ad attività di riqualifica della Fortezza con l’obiettivo finale di dar vita ad un polo internazionale di produzione socio-culturale, esposizione artistica di altissimo livello e di formazione di eccellenza.

The project coordinator

The assembling of the documents was supervised by the Cultural ONTHEMOVE, born in 2010 with the aim of promoting the knowledge of the visual arts and all forms of expression, with particular reference to photography and new media. Main activity of the Association is the International Photography Festival ‘Cortona On The Move’ that in 2017 will reach its 7th edition.

ONTHEMOVE stands out from the start of its activities for a particular focus on the development and upgrading in innovative and original way historical monuments and abandoned buildings. The Cortona On The Move exhibitions are characterized in fact for being arranged in particular locations almost 'forgotten' and the festival has helped make again usable evocative ambience and architectural jewels of the Tuscan town of Cortona, closed to the public for decades.

ONTHEMOVE from spring 2015 manages the Fortress on the basis of a Convention, signed with the City of Cortona, whose main purpose is to encourage the designing of projects aiming at upgrading the activities of the Fortress with the ultimate aim of establishing an international production center socio- cultural, artistic exhibition of the highest level of excellence and training.

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